Bone Art
Bone Logo

Here are thumbnails for some of the best Bone covers and other various color Bone art I've found. All the art is in 16 bit color (except for the thumbnails), so it looks gorgeous on a machine that supports 16 bit colors, and still great on one that only supports 8 bit. So without further ado...

This is the Image print of issue #2, and features the meeting of Bone and Thorn (96k)

The cover of Issue #4, Image print, has the Rat Creatures cowering in fear of their leader, "The Hooded One." (91k)

The first Image print of any of the Bone books, the cover features a confrontation of Gran'ma Ben, Thorn, and Fone Bone with the Rat Creatures. (133k)

This picture from the Bone Sourcebook has Fone Bone relaxing on the back of the Red Dragon. (70k)

This is a color version of a frame from Bone #5, and has Fone Bone and Thorn riding on the back of the Great Red Dragon, who looks more like a fuzzy peach. (103k)

A color excerpt from Bone #1, Fone Bone says, "That mountain range isn't on any of our charts..." (48k)

After ending up in some food, Phoney trys to get away from Gran'ma Ben. (68k)

I said all of the art was color. I lied. These two frames are straight out of Bone #2, and features Bone and Thorn meeting for the first time. (44k)

Phoney Bone Inquires rather rudely where his cousin Fone Bone is. The Red Dragon is definitely not appreciative of Phoney's rudness. (80k)

Phoney tries to quickly get rid of the pie he shouldn't have been eating moments before, and doesn't do a very good job. (52k)

For the frst time after being separated by the locusts, Phoney and Smiley meet. Smiley, the bartender, gives Phoney a couple of beers. Lucious Down, the owner of the bar, makes sure Phoney has enough 'eggs' for them. (81k)

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